Audio Tours
If you can't make it in person on any of Julian's guided tours or simply prefer to look round on your own, no worries! He's teamed up with the excellent Guidl tours to provide a range audio tours round historic sites and battlefields that he'll be adding to on a regular basis. These are designed either as a guide to help you explore a site or as something to be listened to in its own right. To find his current audio tours all you need to do is download the Guidl App (Apple or Android) and search under Humphrys.
Existing Tours:
The Battle of Towton (North Yorkshire)
Towton shocked contemporaries by the ferocity with which it was fought. regional hatreds and family vendettas helped make it one of England's bloodiest battles as the Yorkists inflicted a terrible slaughter on their Lancastrian enemies. Julian Humphrys takes us on a 4-mile circular walk around this atmospheric and unchanged battlefield.
The Battle of Cheriton (Hampshire)
Join Julian Humphrys on a 4-mile stroll amongst the woods and sunken lanes around the beautiful Hampshire village of Cheriton where, in confused fighting, the parliamentarians won one of their first major victories in the Civil War.
The Battle of Stoke (Nottinghamshire)
Explore the site of the last battle of the Wars of the Roses where Henry VII defeated an army that had invaded England in support of the pretender popularly known as Lambert Simnel. Julian Humphrys takes us on a 4-mile circular walk along the historic Fosse Way, across the battlefield, and along the banks of the scenic River Trent.
The Battle of Roundway Down (Wiltshire)
Enjoy stunning scenery and some remarkable stories on this 4-mile walk around one of the Civil War's most unusual battlefields. In July 1643 a Parliamentarian army had bottled up their Royalist opponents but triumph turned to disaster when they were routed by a Royalist relief force.
Quirky Cambridge​
Cambridge is a city that's very close to Julian Humphrys' Heart. He read history at the University, worked there after graduating, got married there and qualified as a blue badge guide there. Join him on an easy 1 mile stroll through central Cambridge and discover some of the city's quirkier sights and stories - from lamposts to letterboxes, grasshoppers to gatehouses, sticky cakes to student pranks.